Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tear down the Walls of Wall Street

>Tear down the Walls of Wall Street – a soapbox cadenza by the Unreconstructed 60's Radical

While trying to appear concerned on television this week - and even furrowing his brow in sincerity - lame duck George Bush in fact is laughing his ass off at every one of us after sweeping a trillion dollars off the table - and out of our pockets and our future earnings, since this is a debt we'll be paying off far into the future. Meanwhile he hands off a vast treasure to his fat cat pals - the final, climactic outrage of a nearly perfect fascist dictatorship, and a farewell gesture we should all understand very, very clearly – usually symbolized with a single, upraised finger.

Make no mistake about it : Bush won. We lost.

Republicans and other Ruling Class types will talk you to death about the overwhelming virtues and merits of the pure market system ...until they lose their shirts. Then they want socialism - socialism for the rich, as John Kenneth Galbraith points out, the only kind that's respectable in America.

Shame on all the Democrats who voted for the appalling, obscene payout to the real rulers of America - but the process leaves us a valuable X-ray of America's true underlying power structure: when the ruling class cracks the whip, all politicians - democrat and republican - line up and bend over to obey!

And then we pay. And pay, and pay and pay.

Here's a real demonstration of power: they tell you "We're taking a trillion dollars now, and you have
no choice." That poisonous 'no choice' door-slammer was a unanimous drumbeat heard all week from all the media and from both candidates.

When anyone seriously tells you that you have no choice, well baby, it might be time to reach for your gun.

Because that statement is always, uncategorically, a lie. Every single time.

There is always a choice. Important not to forget that. Always a choice.

What was the choice here? Not long ago Scandinavia handled a similar situation differently - governments bought big chunks of ownership in the companies involved, preferred stock, with warrants to profit on any upside. Barney Frank and the Democrats didn't inform us of anything like that - instead the Democratic party railroaded us to accept the US government's spending a trillion dollars to buy worthless paper!

Result: the trillion goes down a black hole and no one will ever see it again.

Oh, and they'll soon be back for more - because this “solution” won't even begin to solve the problem. It does nothing to solve the liquidity crisis for example, which is the heart of the matter. Under this plan banks are under no obligation to lend, so they won't.

Instead they'll probably say they need two trillion more. Maybe three. Mark my words on this.

And it can't be lost on anyone that the entire exercise reveals what a sham democracy is in the USA : despite enormous, nearly unanimous opposition, the ruling class stuck this one to us and it won. Those representatives you thought represented you? No, not when it mattered they didn't – when the chips were really down, it turns out that they really represented... *them.*... Cheyney, Bush, Paulsen and their ruling class cronies who are all taking their winnings off the table.

They won. We lost.

So what do we do? Maybe it's a good time for people to ask themselves.

Demand radical reform – not phony bailouts, bandaids and humongous transfers of wealth to the ruling elite. No, U6R says this kind of false solution cannot be allowed to stand. If ever there were a reprehensible travesty of the democratic process, this is it.

'If it's too big to fail' - as they tell us - then *it's too big to be private* I say. Time to seize institutions, demand democratic control of all aspects of a new financial system, time to take power away from the real, backroom rulers of America who have just shown their hand, and shown us how powerful they really are.

Anger is valuable – because now there is enough anger in the air to change things, particularly to challenge all the Washington toadies serving Wall Street. Anger enough to destroy and rebuild all the institutions of economic tyranny, starting with the Federal Reserve, and replace them with a financial system run by - and fully responsive to - the American working taxpayer.

Because that's who needs to take over and be the boss now - the American working taxpayer. And that includes all the unemployed American working taxpayers as well.

We live at a dangerous moment, but an exciting one: right now the power, the will and the understanding is there for radical reform of banks and of the entire financial system. People are realizing that they must all be brought to heel before they destroy us, and usher in the radical right's solution, one that's waiting eagerly in the wings – privatization of everything, and a fullblown fascist dictatorship with an iron collar for working people everywhere. Perpetual war. Vast poverty. Global warming, chaos, disaster.

Since the 'growth mandate' of capitalism requires the cancerous expansion of everything - markets, populations, industrial production, natural resources – where is the alternative? How are we going to sober up by drinking an even stronger petrochemical cocktail and raising the atmospheric temperature?

With stakes this high, it's time to use the Shock Doctrine in reverse – use the crisis to create big, radical change.

Not to do so is to accept slavery, which always starts to look attractive as soon as the populace is whipsawed and terrified enough. That's heading right down the tracks at us as we speak: oppression, intimidation, suffering, and control. You lined up at the airport – now you'll line up for everything else.

We can't let that happen, but we have to move now. And let's face it – slavery is an embarrassing legacy to leave our children. Roosevelt pointed out early in the 1930's that all our economic problems are man-made. Unlike the ocean of messages you've been programmed with by the government and the MSM, the problems we see now are not caused by God nor by the overwhelming forces of nature – they are not inevitable and uncontrollable, in fact we are fully up to the challenge of changing the root causes the brought us here – if people understand that's what must be done.

And if they do, things can get sorted out pretty quickly.

Remember: when they will tell you it can't be changed – that's a lie.

It can, it must, and it will change – one way or the other, for better or worse. Let's choose “better” - time to tear down the walls of Wall Street and get rid of the insane, cancerous teetering house of cards, the financial nightmare that now threatens to throw the entire planet into chaos. Let's change it for good, and forever.

Thanks for listening – peace & love to all -


(your Unreconstructed 60's Radical)

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At March 28, 2012 at 6:29 PM, Blogger Opus One Media said...

might be well to trot out the blog for the election year. you have to remember Mitt's brainwashed dad was gov. of MI when we grew up...and this silly apple fell far from an equally silly tree.


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